Squirrel Warfare Tips for Safely Removing Attic Intruders

Squirrel Warfare – Tips for Safely Removing Attic Intruders

When squirrels move in, what was once a quiet place to store things and be alone can turn into a war zone. These quick and determined animals can cause a lot of damage to your attic by tearing up insulation, chewing through wires, and leaving a mess and bad smells in their wake. Here are some tips for getting rid of squirrels in your attic in a safe and effective way if you find yourself at war with them.

Find the Bad Guy

Before you go to war with squirrels, you need to make sure there are squirrels in your attic. Listen for noises like scratching and running, wires or insulation that have been chewed on, and holes that you can see. When you know for sure that you’re working with squirrels, it’s time to make a plan.

Do-it-yourself or hire a pro?

The first thing you’ll have to decide is whether you’ll get rid of the squirrels yourself or hire a pro. DIY methods are possible, but they can be dangerous and don’t always work the best. Here’s a rundown of what you can do:

  • Live trapping: You can buy live traps and try to catch the squirrels in them. But this method requires careful setting up, watching, and handling of the traps, which can be stressful for you and the squirrels.
  • One-Way Doors: Squirrels can leave your attic through one-way doors, but they can’t get back in. This method is gentle, but it needs to be set up correctly, and it’s important to make sure no squirrels get stuck inside.
  • Repellents: There are many ways to keep squirrels away, but they don’t always work, and they may not be a long-term answer.
  • Professional Help: Technicians with Experience: Pest control experts who know how to get rid of squirrels can do it safely and effectively.
  • Humane Methods: Professionals use methods that are kind to the animals when they trap and move them.
  • Expertise: They can find places where pests can get in, seal them up, and make suggestions to stop future attacks.

Seal points of entry

Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, once the squirrels are gone, you must make sure that they can’t get back in. Squirrels can be hard to get rid of, so if you don’t seal these holes, they may come back. Close up holes and cracks in your attic’s structure with strong materials like steel mesh or boards.

Fix and clean

After the squirrels leave, you may need to clean and fix up your attic. Squirrels can leave behind waste, urine, and insulation that has been destroyed. Follow the steps below:

  • Get rid of Insulation That May Be Dirty or Contaminated: Take out and get rid of any insulation that may be dirty or contaminated.
  • Clean the Area: Clean the attic thoroughly to get rid of any remaining smells or possible health risks.
  • Fix the damage: Fix any structural damage, chewed-up wires or insulation, and your attic will be back to normal.

Stop upcoming invasions

Consider taking these steps to keep squirrels from coming back:

Trim Trees and Branches: Cut back tree branches that make your roof or attic easy to get to.

Secure Attic Vents: Cover attic vents, roof vents, and chimney holes with secure screens or caps.

Regular Inspections: As part of your home upkeep, check your attic on a regular basis to spot early signs of an infestation.

How to Store Food: Birdseed, nuts, and other things that might attract squirrels should be kept in airtight cases.

Victory in the Squirrel War

Getting squirrels out of your attic and keeping them from coming back is a win for both you and the squirrels. When you are at war with squirrels, you should put the squirrels’ safety and well-being ahead of protecting your home. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, a well-executed plan will make sure your attic is quiet again.

Professional and effective squirrel removal in Cobourg. Our services are performed by fully trained and experienced wildlife control specialists that have a wide set of tools available to get the job done.